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Student iPad Support Page

All South High School students will be given an iPad for use during the school year.  

  • will read and acknowledge the iPad Acceptable Use Policy and Authorization Form in the Infinite Campus Student Portal
  • attend a training session where they will create their Apple ID and sign out the iPad
  • remain signed in with their with your school issued iTunes account, not a personal iTunes
  • students cannot photograph, record or share digital images or recordings of anyone without his or her permission
  • bring the iPad to school each day, charged
Q.  When will students receive their iPads?
A.  We will distribute iPads to all 9th graders during a Library orientation sometime in September.  Students in grades 10th and 11th, who are new to the school will also receive an iPad during this time.

Q.  Will there be training for students on how to use the iPad?
A. Yes.  We will have training sessions throughout the year which are incorporated into classes.  We will also have a help desk located in the library where students can just drop by with any questions or problems they might have.

Q.  Can students install their own apps?
A.  Students will not be allowed to download apps from the App store. The App store and the iTunes store  will not be available on the student’s iPads.  Students will also not be able to connect their iPad to computers at home to sync content.  Although these iPads are the students to use both at home and school, they are instructional devices and therefore will contain content approved and issued by South High School.  All approved apps that can be installed are available for download through the App Catalog on the iPad.

Q.  If I already have an Apple ID, can I use it on the school iPad?
A. No.  Students must create and remain logged in using a unique Apple ID using their school-issued email address.  This account will be used to sync their school iPad with the district's management system in order for students to receive "pushed" apps.

Q.  What should students do if their iPad battery has lost its charge?
A.  Students may borrow a charger from the library for the day if one is available.  The charger should be returned at the end of the day.  It is the responsibility of the student to have their iPad charged daily.

Q.  Will there be a loaner program if my iPad is out for repair?
A. Yes, the school will maintain a stock of loaner iPads, but this will be primarily for students whose iPads are out for repair.  Students must sign off on loaner iPads and accept responsibility for that loaner unit while in their possession.

Q.  Will iPads be able to print?
A. No, iPads will not have the ability to print while on the school network.

Q.  Can students install iOS updates?
A.  Yes. Students may install iOS updates only upon notification from school personnel.  These updates should be done outside of the school day.

Q.  Can students turn off the iPad's location services?
A.  No.  Students may not turn off the iPad's location services or the Find My iPad setting.  Students who turn off such settings make it significantly less likely that a lost or stolen iPad will be recovered.

Q.  What happens if the iPad breaks or is lost of stolen?
A.  The student is responsible for 50% of the repair or replacement cost for the first instance of accidental damage or documented theft or for 100% of the replacement cost for loss or undocumented theft.  Refer to District-Issued Portable Electronic Devices Board Policy #8332.

Q.  Will students get to keep their iPads over the summer?
A. Yes.  However, we may want to update software and perform other maintenance and may ask that the iPad be seen by a school technology staff member.

Q.  Will the Internet be filtered on the student iPads?
A. All school-issued iPads will have filtered Internet access while on the school network.  When the school-issued iPad is used outside of school, including at home, Internet access is usually unfiltered and dependent on the subscriber.

Q.  Am I required to have Internet access at home?
A. We do not require Internet access at home.  There are work arounds students can perform prior to leaving campus to ensure access to their Google Apps for Education account when they are not able to access wifi off campus.

Q. When do I return my iPad?
A. We would like students to keep their iPads until the end of their senior year, this includes keeping the iPad during the summer and during school vacations. iPads and  peripherals will be collected at the end of 12th grade.  We do ask that you immediately report any damage to the iPad so the iPad can be sent out for repair.  Please refer to the iPad Acceptable Use Policy and Authorization for for repair costs.  

The iPad should be charged, using the provided wall charger, and brought to school ready to use each day. Fully charged iPad batteries will typically last 12 – 15 hours of use. Waiting to charge the iPad until the charge is low (less than 20% life or red indicator light) will extend the battery life. It is the student’s responsibility to charge the iPad at home and ensure it is ready for use in school each day. Failure to do so may result in the student’s inability to participate in classroom learning activities.