From the Sophomores
We surveyed 127 students during their freshmen years, and here's what they think.
Prior to entering high school, what were you most excited about?
1. Activities in school.
2. Making new friends.
3. Having freedom.
4. The library and facilities within the school.
5. Being able to say that you are in high school.
What was your biggest fear?
1. Getting lost in school.
2. Tests (Specifically: the major SATs and Regents tests).
3. Difficult work and not able to keep up with it.
4. Getting bad grades.
5. Upperclassmen / "Freshmen Friday" (Learn more about it on the
Myths and Rumors page!)
How would you compare the differences between the amount of work you get this year compared to 8th grade, the difficulty of the work, and the amount of studying and effort you need to put into your work?
1. 9th-grade work was generally ranked 4's and 5's out on a scale of 1-5.
2. On that same scale, 8th-grade work was considered to be a 3.
3. Conclusion: the freshmen feel there is more work, harder work, and more studying and effort need to be put in to succeed in 9th grade.
Now that you have been in high school for a month and a half, what other differences have you noticed?
1. In 8th grade, you were the oldest and felt on "top," now that you are in high school you go back to being the youngest and on the "bottom".
2. There is a lot more freedom and independence, but what goes hand-in-hand with it is more responsibility.
3. There is more work, projects, and tests scheduled at the same time.
4. The teachers have a higher expectation and have raised the standards (in terms of work and studying).
What have been some of the biggest surprises and problems you have faced?
1. Time management, especially when on a sports team or in a club.
2. The increase in pressure to do well.
3. Some of the specific subject areas are more difficult