Business Education Department
The Business Education Department offers exploratory courses in many areas. Our goal is to give students a fundamental understanding of concepts and principles in varied areas of business.
John Motchkavitz- Department Head, Business/Technology Dept.
Rick Vine - Lead Teacher, Business Dept.
Sheryl Demetres
Scott Feldman
Dennis Mooney
Nicole Kinsey - Internship Coordinator
south high school cOURSE OFFERINGS
Business Course Offerings/Course Expectation Sheets:
The following COLLEGE COURSE offerings are run in conjunction with Farmingdale State College (SUNY) and the
University In The High School program. Students can earn from 3-6 college credits for the successful completion of these courses.
College International Business
College Virtual Enterprises (VE)
Additional Classes:
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Sports and Entertainment Management
Additional Links:
Great Neck South High School Course Catalog -Courses Offered
DECA Competitive Events & Information
Virtual Enterprises International (VE)
University in the High School Handbook